Monday, 16 May 2016

My top 6 worst dressed at the Met Gala 2016

Hi all!

Well I was having a little look through all the fashion events and other events of late (so many!) And came across a few I personally dislike ALOT but also, it seems a lot of people also dislike! So I thought well why not do a dislike post! Not sure if I will do it for other events at this stage or just this special one! Enjoy!

P.s have you checked out my Instagram?? I am posting heaps through there and really enjoying it, all sorts goes on that page! Follow me here!

Here we go!

ESC: Irina Shayk, MET Gala 2016

Irina Shayk

Ok I assume she wanted us to see her underwear,right? I like the actual garment itself, the sleeves are cute , its flattering etc etc but I do not get the see through look OR the pattern on the material. If it was just one color that had no pattern at all that would be good I think. Don't get me wrong ,if you have a great body awesome ,go you. But still....unless you are wearing some awesome leotard type thing which is in right now we really don't need to see that I right?


Jeepers! There is a lot going on in this! In general I really like the bust shaping, its very flattering . And the actual design of the outfit is great! I assume the multiple fabric type is to try and fit in with the theme. I don't know if it has fitted with the theme or not. It's different!


Eeekk the featherish type of thing going on is a no go for me. I've never been a fan of it and probably never will be! Why!?!?!


Holy moly you guys, what is that! Who chose it! Why! I really really don't like this at all! It's almost a bargain fabric bin dive and tried to make something with it all and it didn't turn out the way you wanted but you want to wear it because you worked so hard type of thing!


Goodness! I hate that Demi is on this list. I am a Demi fan, she is great and strong and seems really cool. But this outfit belongs on this list. It's just not good, in any way. I'm so sad she chose this.


Originally I didn't mind this dress, not liked but didn't mind. But then! I noticed as well as a fabric pattern its actually see through...I literally thought that was part of the design and fabric, not actually see through...silly me. Its awful, just awful! I do not feel its flattering to her body shape, but it also doesn't have a logical explanation of why you would wear it, it for a theme! Gah!

P.s I secretly actually love bad fashion, I like that it gets talked about, that people have free ideas and get to make them come true. And that someone has put in such hard work into an outfit to make it come true . Do you know how hard it can be to make even just one outfit? Its difficult people! Its not like its done in just one second. So yes it may not be our personal taste but it still could be someones dream.

So love it, hate it, talk about it. Do it all!



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